Of. Nici nu ştiu cum să încep. Probabil aş începe cu un cuvânt care nu ne prea place: TREBUIE. Uneori sunt lucruri pe care trebuie să le facem, aşa, pur şi simplu, pentru că trebuie.
Acum câteva luni, într-o după amiază de vineri, după o zi de muncă şi pe nemâncate, îmi mai rămase un lucru de făcut. Să onorez invitaţia unei companii care reprezintă un brand al unui procesor de bucătărie, de ultimă generaţie, despre ale cărui funcţii am auzit doar la superlativ.
Am invitat cu mine şi câteva gospodine moderne: una care toată copilăria a gătit pentru fraţii mai mari şi mai mici, alta căreia nu-i place gătitul și încă una care are noroc de un soţ care găteşte.
We met in New York a month ago. A beautiful girl from Moldova, with a big sun hidden in her soul.She lives in San Francisco and works for an airline company. I do not know if it’s true or not, buts he said she decided to make the 5-hour trip from San Francisco when she found that I come to NY, to meet me. I can not hide the fact that she is extremely nice and i liked her. We talked about my passion – the traditional Blouse Roumaine and she said she also wants one. Especially for October 31, when she will be allowed to leave home her red uniform. I helped her to have a IA. It was a real adventure to choose the blouse from 6 models available, to arrange the delivery from Chișinău to Montreal (thank you, mummy), from Montreal to San Francisco, to correct the wrong address, to choose a traditional belt from my collection.
(ENG) When you move to another city to live, the central market should be one of the first things to discover. Especially if you want fresh, new, diverse food on your table. You go to the market to choose the best, to inhale the spirit of the city, to explore, to communicate, to negotiate, to smell and to finally understand what kind of products or moments could make you wish to come back here.
Jean Talon Market, located in the heart of Montreal, is a place I had kept for the dessert, I mean for some later-to-come “good times”.
Suddenly this good time came. And that long, sunny, free Sunday afternoon offered me the chance to visit this legendary place. I turned off the housekeeper and turned on the gourmand in me. So it was a real trip of tastes.
At the very beginning, on the left as well as on the right side of the entrance, you can choose your first snack: meat or seafood. I ignored les saucissons, despite a very nice boy, inviting me with a smile.
<ENG> A week ago, in New York, a group of beautiful, powerful and ambitious women organized a charity event. Probably it’s nothing extraordinary in organizing a fund raising in NY, if these women wouldn’t be from Romania and if the event would help a Hospice from Bucharest by organizing a concert with romanian artists.. For those who don’t know what exactly a Hospice means, i would say that nobody deserves to need their services. It’s a place where people, in terminal phase of their illness, get help, support and palliative care.
Mara Society is founded by 4 Romanians, living and working in NY. Their activity is dedicated to celebrating and supporting visionaries in the arts, and to specifically raising international awareness of Romanian cultural talent, in the fields of musical composition and performance, literature, painting, film and other artistic disciplines.